Petition: Make Peace NOT War! Invite both Ukraine & Russia to join NATO & EU to ensure lasting peace!

African Union Playing Vaccine Victim Again Despite “Rich Countries” Having EIGHT Times More Covid Deaths per Million Population!

VIDEO: “Socialists Are Selfish & Cowardly Communists!” Destroy Them Or They Will Destroy Us & Our Civilisation!

Video: Flanders Wants Independence! Mass Protest to Brussels with Motor Convoy Planned By Vlaams Belang on 27 September!

“White People are in BIG Trouble!” Rabbi Says Jews are Safer in Israel Than Whites are in Their Own Homelands!

VIDEO: #TakeTheKneeForIslam “We Muslims are the New Black People of America!” – Blacks Get Brainwashed Into Attacking Whites for Islam’s Jihad!

Should China Pay For Our CoronaVirus Losses? Two US Firms Sue China For Criminal Negligence For Covering Up Corona “Chinese” Virus Outbreak in Wuhan!

On liberalism & identity, globalism & nationalism – explaining the Great Cultural War in the world today!

Human Traffickers Charge 20,000 Euros Per Person To Smuggle Fakugees From Morocco To Spain on Kalergi Boats

EU Revokes The Edict of Versailles and Brings Medieval Religious Intolerance Back to Europe

Macron Tries To Use Anti Mass-immigration Sentiment To Create EU State and Change Dublin Schengen Agreement

“Worst anti-Semitic attacks” on Kosher cafe were Fake! 4 Attacks Staged To Get Sympathy & Money Through Crowdfund

BRexit Poker Nerves – Is Theresa May Bluffing and What is At Stake If She Wins or Loses?

“Not Legally Binding” – When Voluntary Means Obligatory. How Establishment Betrays We The People

Is Your Investment Portfolio Funding Communist Chinese Oppression? It likely undermines human rights in China!