“White People are in BIG Trouble!” Rabbi Says Jews are Safer in Israel Than Whites are in Their Own Homelands!

Syria NEEDS its “refugees” back! War in Syria is over! #HelpThemBackHome 

Syria NEEDS its “refugees” back! War in Syria is over! #HelpThemBackHome

UN Pact Signed – Already UN Starts Dumping Hordes of “Programmed Migrants” to Ireland’s Heartlands

See The Pattern Yet? Yet Another Afghan Fakugee Attacks German Teen Girl, Drags Her By Her Hair Off Bus!

Left Wing Militancy and Secrecy in Asylum System Enables Nigerian Gangs To Traffic Children Into Ireland For Sex!

The Long Awaited Civil War Starts in Germany: Migrants versus Locals, Globalists versus Patriots, Traitors versus “racists”

A Convicted Thief and Failed Asylum Seeker From Guinea, with a deportation order, jailed for Jumping on Bonnet of Patrol Car in Limerick City

Refugee Flees FROM Germany TO Iraq to Escape ISIS! – UNHCR and EU are Importing Islamic War Into The West! (Video)

X-Rays Don’t Lie, Migrant Children Do – Swedish Dentist Fired for Reporting that 80% of His Migrant Children Clients Were Actually Adults! (Video)

BIG Profits in Selling Countries Out to Refugees! Refugee Contractor from UK makes Half a Billion selling USA out to foreigners!

Lancaster, PA: Church World Service puts on sob story event, never mentions their federal boodle!

War in Syria is OVER! Syria needs the refugees and migrants to go home to rebuild their country! Video:

Putin brings hope of long term peace to Syria – can the refugees go back home now to rebuild their country?

European Leaders and MSM Must Hang! Proof Refugee Crisis is a Sham to Pillage and Destroy Europe.